MOAMAN Hair Transplant Surgery

Causes and types of hair loss

M-Shaped hair loss

M-shaped + parietal hair loss

U-shape hair loss

Parietal hair loss

Hair loss in modern people can occur to anyone regardless of gender age. Many of the hair loss can be said to be a genetic factor, but the number of hair loss patients in their 20s and 30s has continued to increase due to excessive stress and wrong lifestyle habits.

Hair loss begins with the frequent appearance of a large secretion of sebum, in addition to scalp troubles such as dandruff, inflammation, itching, the thickness of the hair becomes thinner.

Hair usually loses between 50 and 100 natural hair loss per day, depending on internal and external factors, where the normal hair loss has progressed will turn fluff, and the hair loss becomes excessive hair loss occurs.

The best treatment for hair loss is preventation with periodic scalp care and medication, and hair loss that has already progressed can be treated permanently through hair transplantation.

Scalp treatment the best for you

Moaman’s ALL-IN-ONE care program

Moaman’s scalp cale program aims to create the right scalp environment for early hair loss prevention and for hair growth after hair transplantation.

It is a management program that treats various scalp disease the cause hair loss and promotes hair growth by improving the skin cleanliness and healthiness.

Growth factor injection Treatment – Strengthening
Hair follicles + Promoting hair loss
Scalp scaling
Exfoliation and sebum removal + inhibition of bacterial reproduction
Pore expansion + Hydration
Ample treatment
Scontrol of sebum + inflammation treatment
Smart lux
Activates hair follicle cells +strengthens hair roots
SGF growth factor + hair loss relief

Precautions for hair loss treatment

Steady treatment
for more than 3 months

A regular and balanced of diet

Periodic exercise and enough sleep

No for Overwork,
drinking and smoking

Consultation and
Reservation inquiries



Mobile   +82-10-2291-0768

Operation Hours

MON,TUE,WED,FRI : AM 10:00 – PM 07:00

THU (Night consultation) : AM 10:00 – PM 09:00

SAT : AM 10:00 – PM 04:00